the three sections: SLM submission, SLM visualization, SLM approval.
1. General Overview and Conceptual Framework
2.1 General Overview
Instructions: Briefly introduce the system context and organisation. Provide a brief overview of the system and software architectures and the design goals. Include the high-level context diagram(s) for the system and subsystems.
Figure 3 – High-Level Options-by-Context representation
2.2 Main Functionality
In addition to the normal display, search, pan, zoom, navigate, download, login, register, feedback, help buttons the following functionality is designed
C-3 List of references to documents (Through MEL)
2.3 Core functions
- Select by Region of Interest => drill-down GAUL (select Continent, Region, Country, District, Province) or select by click (point), or select by polygon, or select by window (box)
- Select by attribute (For each of the layers on the context database) user can select only few layers, or select all, or select none, enable option to select by value on any of the options for example Layer 1 >= A AND Layer 2 < B as well as the SYS-TYPE. The results are exported, downloaded, The download file includes data, metadata, CSV, TXT, JPEG, PDF
- Select SLM Options (this is initially a point shapefile with several fields but it can be created to a raster database) we can use point-ID to identify each location and have a number of attributes associated to the location. The unique list of attributes will be presented to the user in a drill-down menu where the user selects the proper attributes. Next the user finds attributes where SES-TYPE value is the same and a list of ranked attributes based on the highest value (count) are returned to the user and they can be exported
- Add Region of Interest Polygon This is used to add user defined polygon region of interest (ROI), extract all the selected rasters for the ROI, get the statistics for the ROI, download the selected rasters for the ROI
- Add Region of Interest Box This is used to add user defined box region of interest (ROI), extract all the selected rasters for the ROI, get the statistics for the ROI, download the selected rasters for the ROI
- Add Region of Interest Point This is used to add user defined box 10 by 10 km box around the user defined point region of interest (ROI), extract all the selected rasters for the ROI, get the statistics for the ROI, download the selected rasters for the ROI
- Filter Raster layers this function will display an interactive window where the user can select the raster layers that he wants to apply filters. The minimum and maximum values for each raster layer will be displayed and the user can drag them as per user-defined criteria to filter out pixels and run spatial overlay on multiple layers. The output will be a raster layer as per the user-defined criteria. The statistics are displayed on the table and the output raster can be exported
- Show-Hide SLM This function will display or hide SLM polygons
- Zoom in / Zoom out These functions are used to zoom in or zoom out center of the map window
- Show base layers The user can select the preferred base layer
- Show / Hide selected raster’s The user can turn on / off rasters visibility
- Apply / Reset These buttons are used to run the query on the selected variables or reset it