This part is composed by 2 sections:
- Technical specifications: In this section, this technical structure of this SLM technology should be described.
- Costs of inputs needed for the establishment of the SLM
- Costs of inputs needed for the establishment of the SLM
These two latter sections are about calcultating for calculating for the establishment and maintenance of this SLM from these prespectivesperspectives:
- Labor: How many workers are required to establish/maintain this SLM technology? What is the cost per worker? If there are different categories of workers, you can always add based on the number of categories.
- Equipment:
- What are the required equipment for establishing/maintain this SLM technology? What is the cost per equipment? and how many of them are needed? If there are different
- equipments, you can always add based on the number of categories.
- Plant materials: What are the required plant materials for establishing/maintain this SLM technology? What is the cost per material? and how many of them are needed? If there are different materials, you can always add based on the number of categories.
- Fertilizers and biocides: What are the required fertilizers and biocides for establishing/maintain this SLM technology? What is the cost for everyone of them? and how many of them are needed? If there are different fertilizers and biocides, you can always add based on the number of categories.
- Construction materials: What are the required construction materials for establishing/maintain this SLM technology? What is the cost per material? and how many of them are needed? If there are different materials, you can always add based on the number of categories.
other inputs:
- Other inputs: If there are other inputs which can not be classified as the categories mentioned above, you can put them in this section.
- Costs: the cost will be automatically generated for every inputs and this section, the total cost will be calculated.
Figure 5: Overview of part 5