Versions Compared


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  • On-site impacts that the SLM technology has shown: These impacts are divided into 3 categories: socio-economic impacts, socio-cultural impacts and ecological impacts. We can say why we choose these impacts.
  • Off-site impacts that the SLM technology has shown: These impacts are about the impact of this SLM on risk reduction in the neighbors fields and areas. We can say why we choose these impacts.
  • Exposure and sensitivity of the SLM technology to gradual climate change and climate-related extremes/disasters: How does the SLM Technology cope with the changes in the view of achieving its main purposes. These changes are divided in gradual climate changes or extremes disasters (Meteorological/ Climatological/ Hydrological/ Biological disasters).
  • Cost-Benefit analysis from land-users perspectives:  This section is a comparison between the cost of establishment/maintenance and the benefit for the land user.
  • Adoption of the SLM technology:  The section is about how much this SLM technolgy, where and how?
  • Adaptation: these are two-options questions about how the technology cope with changing conditions.
  • Strengths/advantages/opportunities of the SLM technology:  The strengths, advantages and opportunities of the SLM technology are discussed from the view of land-user, the view of SLM experts, like the documentors or the resource persons,  the view of policy-makers and the view of private sectors.
  • Weaknesses/disadvantages of the SLM Technology and ways to overcome: The weaknesses and disadvantages are discussed exactly as the previous section for comparison purposes.

Figure 6: Overview of part 6