To see how the others will see the survey (4).
By clicking on Refresh (1) button in the surveys created section, the survey page will be refreshed having the same information except the actions section (2) which will have two extra actions:
- Send invitation email (3): To send invitations to the users to participate in the created survey.
- Publish (4): To finalize the process of creating the survey.
Send invitation email:
Click on “Send invitation email” to send invitations to selected users to participate in the created survey.
Note that it if you click on this option before publishing the survey, the users will receive an email to participate in a survey but there won’t be a link to the survey so it is better to publish the survey before using this option.
A new window will open, Invitation Email, with the list of users added in the survey’s interface section.
- Check the name box (1) if you want to send the survey to all the users.
- Check the box(s) next to each user(s) (2) if you want to send the survey to a specific user(s).
- Click on “View Email” (3) to see the email that will be sent to a specific user.
- Click on “Send Invitations Email” (4) to send the survey to all selected users. A sample of the email to be sent will appear (4).
- Click on “Send Email” (5) to confirm sending the email invitations.
- Check “Hide if already sent” box (6) to hide the users who have already received the initial email invitation. This is used when you add a new user after sending the initial invitation.