- Planned & Report ID (1): Displays the ID of the planned CapDev and the reported if it was planned and reported. If there is not any ID under the report ID section it means that the CapDev. is not reported yet.
- Subject (2): Displays the title of the CapDev activity.
- Type (3): Displays the type of the CapDev activity.
- Reporter User (4): Displays the name of the user who created the CapDev activity.
- Supervisor (5): Displays the name of the supervisor.
- Draft (6):
- Display (yes) if it is a draft CapDev activity, planned/reported.
- Displays (No) if it is a completed or canceled CapDev activity, planned/reported.
- Displays (-) if it is an approved CapDev activity, planned/reported.
- Start & End Date (7): Displays the start and end date of the CapDev activity.
- Status (8): Displays the status of the CapDev activity whether it is canceled, plan-draft, plan-approved, report-draft, report-approved, etc.
- Actions (9): you can view both the planned and reported sections of your CapDev activity as per the status of your activity.
Note that, as CapDev Focal Point you can see all Activities led by your organization or where your organization is involved in.
As a User, you can see all trainings where you are the supervisor/Project manager.