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The SLM visualization is a part 

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Main Functionality

In addition to the normal display, search, pan, zoom, navigate, download, login, register, feedback, help buttons the following functionality is designed


A-1 Map areas vs contextual criteria (defined by SES-TYPE and user defined query)

A-2 List of Options vs. contextual criteria (defined by SES-TYPE and user defined query)

A-3 Stats (Mean, Max, Min, STD, Range, Sum, Weighted Average)

B-1 Map of degraded / improved area vs contextual criteria

B-2 Stats Area of Degraded/Improved areas vs contextual criteria

B-3 Stats Number of people (male/female, urban, rural) affected 


C-1 List of successful working stories vs contextual criteria (Through MEL)

C-2 List of research / management gaps (Through MEL)

C-3 List of references to documents (Through MEL)


2.3 Core functions

  1. Select by Region of Interest => drill-down GAUL (select Continent, Region, Country, District, Province) or select by click (point), or select by polygon, or select by window (box)
  2. Select by attribute (For each of the layers on the context database) user can select only few layers, or select all, or select none, enable option to select by value on any of the options for example Layer 1 >= A AND Layer 2 < B as well as the SYS-TYPE. The results are exported, downloaded, The download file includes data, metadata, CSV, TXT, JPEG, PDF
  3. Select SLM Options (this is initially a point shapefile with several fields but it can be created to a raster database) we can use point-ID to identify each location and have a number of attributes associated to the location. The unique list of attributes will be presented to the user in a drill-down menu where the user selects the proper attributes. Next the user finds attributes where SES-TYPE value is the same and a list of ranked attributes based on the highest value (count) are returned to the user and they can be exported
  4. Add Region of Interest Polygon This is used to add user defined polygon region of interest (ROI), extract all the selected rasters for the ROI, get the statistics for the ROI, download the selected rasters for the ROI
  5. Add Region of Interest Box This is used to add user defined box region of interest (ROI), extract all the selected rasters for the ROI, get the statistics for the ROI, download the selected rasters for the ROI
  6. Add Region of Interest Point This is used to add user defined box 10 by 10 km box around the user defined point region of interest (ROI), extract all the selected rasters for the ROI, get the statistics for the ROI, download the selected rasters for the ROI
  7. Filter Raster layers this function will display an interactive window where the user can select the raster layers that he wants to apply filters. The minimum and maximum values for each raster layer will be displayed and the user can drag them as per user-defined criteria to filter out pixels and run spatial overlay on multiple layers. The output will be a raster layer as per the user-defined criteria. The statistics are displayed on the table and the output raster can be exported
  8. Show-Hide SLM This function will display or hide SLM polygons
  9. Zoom in / Zoom out These functions are used to zoom in or zoom out center of the map window
  10. Show base layers The user can select the preferred base layer
  11. Show / Hide selected raster’s The user can turn on / off rasters visibility
  12. Apply / Reset These buttons are used to run the query on the selected variables or reset it 

This is how to explain how the SLM approved are shown: this the user guide for the WEB GIS tool.

You check section 2.3 in the user guide as a start.

Figure 4 - Main environment of the application

2.3.1 Navigation Menu


The navigation menu enables to navigate and browse through the Raster database based on the theme/subtheme structure.


Figure 5 - Main menu of the application



The user can see the following sections in the main menu of the application.

  • Section 1: In section 1 of the application, you can see the Filter options – Drill-down by Gaul (Country, Region, Continent, & District).
  • Section 2: In section 2 of the application, there are some controls – tools allowing you to move around the map with the use of zoom in, zoom extent, zoom out, pan functions etc.
  • Section 3: In section 3 of the application, you can see the display of geographic features of the raster in the form of map.
  • Section 4: In section 4 of the application, you can see the output result for Value by Location, Summary Statistics, and Options by Context.
  • Section 5: In section 5 of the application, you can see the report download.


2.3.2 Section 1: Select By (GAUL)


Select by Region of Interest – Drill-down GAUL (Continent, Region, Country, Disctrict, Province).

  1. Administrative Unit
  2. By Theme
  3. By Sub-Theme



Administrative Unit



By Theme


By Sub-Theme















2.3.3 Section 2: Map Toolbars


Map navigation

  1. Zoom In
  2. Zoom Extent
  3. Zoom Out


Select by Region of Interest (Map)

  1. Select by Polygon
  2. Select by Window
  3. Select by Location



  1. Show/Hide SLM



  1. Filter
  2. Show Options by Context





2.3.4 Section 3: Map




Mapping interface


The Web-based GIS SLM Options-by-Context: Key functions


Based on these principles the following high-level representation of the functionality is designed to be adopted by the WebGIS.


 Figure 3 – High-Level Options-by-Context representation













2.3.4 Section 4: Output Window – Value by Location, Summary Statistics, Options by Context


  1. Value by Location



This table displays the values for each pixel.



  1. Summary Statistics




This table displays aggregated information related to the user defined area of interest.
















  1. Percentage of Pixel by Class



This table displays the options ranked by frequency.




2.3.5 Section 5:  Report Download



The statistics for the ROI and the selected rasters for the ROI are available for download by clicking the download icon.







2.3.6  Using the WebGIS Application


The Options-by-Context WebGIS application is designed for managers, scientists and staff in projects and programs and it extends MEL capabilities by using spatially explicit data and information. It provides the end users with a powerful suite of Web-based GIS analytical, mapping and reporting capabilities as well as performs large calculates and aggregations of data effectively and efficiently. It allows application users to identify resources, partnerships and perform geographic targeting. The system consists of several modules, each module completing a specific task.


The WebGIS is based on the conceptual framework of the Options-by-Context and provides a number of tools and functionality to the end users to conduct analysis, display maps, extract and filter data, report on the most relevant options by contextual for user defined area of interest, download data and metadata and display SLM practices. The database is designed in three main parts including context: Multi-dimensional Drivers, Land System Properties, outcomes and impacts: natural resources restoration, sustainable intensification and climate-smart practices, livelihood development and provides through interaction with MEL the options portfolio: technical options, land, water, breeds, design and institutional options.


The WebGIS is design to facilitate the user interaction and query efficiently. There is a number of tools such as drill-down selection through the administrative units layer, selection of the main themes (Options and Outcomes/Impacts) through the cascading selection functionality, selection of sub-themes which allows the end user to select the layers of interest, or select all layers or clear selection. This wizard based use case enables the user to ask a number of questions such as select the sub-themes on the administrative unit level of interest interactively. Within few clicks, the user narrows the area of interest for the indicators needed in his query focuses from global to national, sub-national level.


A number of tools such as user defined polygon, box or point are available to the user to narrow down his selection even further enabling the user to focus exactly to the area of interest other than administrative units level. The user can benefit from very high-resolution baseline imagery on the background to focus on local level. This functionality provides unprecedented flexibility on managing, analysing, mapping, aggregation and reporting on any user defined area. The user can apply further filters to run queries such as select areas where precipitation is more than [value a] and slope from [value b] to [value c] and extract the newly created raster layer by running queries online without the need of having access to GIS software for desktop.


The value by location table provides the pixel value and pixel units for every single pixel for all user selected raster layers making it a truly interactive tool for analysis. In addition, the summary table provides aggregated values and statistical information for the user defined area of interest. The Options by Context table provides the most suitable options ranked by frequency for each user-defined area when user presses the Similarity button. The user asks the system to find all the options for each user-defined region of interest that have similar practices under similar context. This is one of the most powerful functions of the WebGIS and unique in its nature as the user practically gets the options applicable to the selected location based on SLM practices at global level. This function makes the best use of global SLM practices and reports them at local level. The radar diagram shows the distribution of such practices and adds for insight to the data.


The user can download the selected layers and tabular information to use for own purposes.


The step-by-step guideline below provides details and instructions on how to use the application:


Step 1:  Administrative Unit Selection


Select a Region of Interest by navigating the Administrative Unit menu tree.  You can select by Country, Region, District, and Province.  In this example, “Amhara” is selected.




Step 2:  Theme Selection


Select a Theme by simply clicking on the Themes selection box.   For this example, “Context” is selected.




Step 3:  Sub-Theme Selection


Once the theme is selected, the corresponding sub-themes are available from the selection list.   In this example, “Drivers” is selected.



Step 4:  Dataset Selection


Once the Sub-Theme is selected, the corresponding datasets are available from the checkbox selection list.  User’s can select combination of datasets from different Themes and Sub-Themes.


In this example, “ARIDITY” and “PRECIP-TREND” are selected.







Step 4:  Apply Filter Selection



Click the Apply button to execute the filter.  Clicking the Reset button will clear your selections.





Step 5:  Filter Result


After applying the filter, the Map gets updated for the Region of Interest.



The results are displayed in the Summary Statistics table.



The selection by ROI buttons (Polygon, Window, and Location), Filter, and Option by Context are now enabled.  User can drill down further by using these tools.






Step 6:  Select ROI (Polygon, Window, Location)


In this example, Select Polygon is use to drilldown into Region of Interest.



Select the Polygon in the Map Toolbars.  Then, select a point of interest to start drawing the polygon.



Draw the polygon and close the first point to close the shape.











Once the polygon is drawn, the Map will zoom-in to the new ROI.



and Summary Statistics gets updated with the new ROI.



Step 7:  Show Options By Context


Click the button “Options by Context” in the Map toolbars.  This displays the options ranked by frequency.



Step 8:  Show Filter


To filter the selected Rasters by range value.   Click the button “Show Filter” in the Map toolbars this will show you the Filter dialog window.




By default, the selected layers are disabled.  Clicking the OFF button will enable the slider.




Drag the slider to change the value.




In this example, the selected layers are set to the following range:


kg3_8110:  min = 6; max = 11

agric_pop_ind:  min = 15; max = 50

Click “Run Query” to execute the filter.


The Map gets updated by applying a dynamic SLD based on the range value.



The Summary Statistics gets updated with a new range value.



Step 9:  Report Download


The results of the analysis can be downloaded by clicking the icon download.   It is located on the right hand corner of the Map Interface.



The downloaded files are package in zip file.




2.3.7 Validation of user inputs



Overview of the input window

By selecting "Visualization" in the GeOC menu, the tool will load, prompt and ready for use.

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Figure 1: Overview of the "SLM visualization" part

This interface is composed by two sections: 

  • The Map: a navigable world atlas by UN Regions.

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Figure 2: Map and related tool bar below

Zoom In

Zoom Extent

Zoom Out

Show/Hide SLM


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  • The Query: here shall be insert all the geoinformatic specifications on the SLM needed by the user. The query is a step by step process, once a details is selected, all the other sub-details will be prompted. In total, there are 6 steps:

Region → Sub-region → Country → Theme → Sub-Theme → Dataset(s)

1- Region

2- Sub-region

3- Country

4- Theme

5- Sub-theme

6- Datasets

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Table 1: The query process

1, 2, 3) Select a region, then the sub-region and the countries of interest.

4, 5)  Define the theme/topic of interest of that particular location. There are two themes to choose from:

  • context/driver database will allow querying SLM actions and techniques with similar environments, based on their geographical, biophysical and socioeconomic context; 
  • outcome-impact database will allow querying SLM actions and techniques working toward the same goals.

Depending on the option selected, a variety of related sub-themes will be available for selection. 

6) The last step is the datasets selection. Can be checked as many datasets as needed, please note that more datasets will require more loading time.

Once all the details have been defined, the "Apply" button will show the results in the output section. 

Overview of the output Window

  • The Map: once the query process is over, the layers of the chosen datasets will be shown as by example figure.

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Figure 3: Overview of the output of the SLM query

  • Selection
Polygonal Selection Box Selection Point Selection 
Draw a poligon around the regions of interest (ROI), this will select all related rasters, provide statistics about them and allow their download.

Inscribe the regions of interest (ROI) in a pre-defined 10x10 km box, this will select all related rasters, provide statistics about them and allow their download.

Define a poin within a region of interest (ROI), this will select all related rasters, provide statistics about them and allow their download.

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  • Legend Image Added

The legend and related information can be toggled on and off.
  • FilterImage Added

The filter allows to toggle on and off specific rasters.

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Figure 4: Overview of the filter window

  • Clear Layer Mask   Image Added

This tool allows to clear a custom area from undesired layers.

  • Download

The results of the analysis can be downloaded as .zip archive by clicking the apposite icon. Image Added

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  • Value by Location: This table indicates the values measured for the active rasters in a pinpointed location.
  • Summary Statistics: This table indicates the values measured for the active rasters in the whole country of a pinpointed location.
  • Options by context: This table indicates the most applied SLM practice, as a result of the tool's calculation of the values measured in the area of interest.

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Figure 5: The output results section