Overview of the input window
When you press "SLM visualization", this interface will show up. The navigation menu enables you to navigate and browse through the Raster database based on the theme/sub-theme structure.
Figure 1: Overview of the "SLM visualization" part
This interface is composed by two sections:
Map section
In this section, you can navigate on the map using the map tool bar:
Figure 2: Map tool bar
The map tool bar composed by:
Zoom In | Zoom Extent | Zoom Out | Show/Hide SLM |
Query section
This query section is where you select the region and the context you want to search for. IT is a step by step process.Once you select a detail, the following detail will be active and will the corressponding sub detail. In total, it is composed by 6 steps:
Region → Sub-region → Country → Theme → Sub- Theme → Datasets
1- Region | 2- Sub-region | 3- Country | 4- Theme | 5- Sub-theme | 6- Datasets |
Figure 3: The query process
Once you define all the details, you press "Apply". The result of your query will be shown in the output section.
Overview of the output Window
Map section
Once the query process is over, the layers of the chosen datasets will be shown like in the following figure.
Figure 4: Overview of the output of the SLM query
There are buttons which will be added in this overview which are:
Select by | Select by | Select by | Show Options by Context | Filter | Report Download |
Section of Value by Location, Summary Statistics, Options by Context
This section is composed by 3 sub sections:
- Value by Location: This table displays the values for each pixel.
- Summary Statistics: This table displays aggregated information related to the user defined area of interest.
- Options by context: This table displays the options ranked by frequency.
Figure 4: The output results section
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