Overview of the input window
By selecting "Visualization" in the GeOC menu, the tool will load, prompt and ready for use.
Figure 1: Overview of the "SLM visualization" part
This interface is composed by two sections:
- The Map: a navigable world atlas by UN Regions.
Figure 2: Map and related tool bar below
Zoom In | Zoom Extent | Zoom Out | Show/Hide SLM |
- The Query: here shall be insert all the geoinformatic specifications on the SLM needed by the user. The query is a step by step process, once a details is selected, all the other sub-details will be prompted. In total, there are 6 steps:
Region → Sub-region → Country → Theme → Sub-Theme → Dataset(s)
1- Region | 2- Sub-region | 3- Country | 4- Theme | 5- Sub-theme | 6- Datasets |
Figure 3: The query process
Once all the details have been defined, the "Apply" button will show the results in the output section.
Overview of the output Window
Map section
Once the query process is over, the layers of the chosen datasets will be shown like in the following figure.
Figure 4: Overview of the output of the SLM query
There are buttons which will be added in this overview which are:
Selection part
Select by Region of Interest Polygon | Select by Region of Interest Box | Select by Region of Interest Point |
This is used to add user defined polygon region of interest (ROI), extract all the selected rasters for the ROI, get the statistics for the ROI, download the selected rasters for the ROI. | This is used to add user defined box 10 by 10 km box around the user defined point region of interest (ROI), extract all the selected rasters for the ROI, get the statistics for the ROI, download the selected rasters for the ROI | This is used to add user defined box 10 by 10 km box around the user defined point region of interest (ROI), extract all the selected rasters for the ROI, get the statistics for the ROI, download the selected rasters for the ROI |
Filter part
This function will display an interactive window where you can select the raster layers that you wants to apply filters on.
Download part
The results of the analysis can be downloaded by clicking the icon download.
It is downloded in a zip folder.
Section of Value by Location, Summary Statistics, Options by Context
This section is composed by 3 sub sections:
- Value by Location: This table displays the values for the chosen pixel if you choose, otherwise this sub section won't be shown up.
- Summary Statistics: This table displays aggregated information related to the user defined area of interest (country).
- Options by context: This table displays the options ranked by frequency (We can say how we get the ranking algorithm).
Figure 4: The output results section
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