OC-4.2: Number of farm households that have adopted improved livestock breeds and animal husbandry practices

OC-4.2: Number of farm households that have adopted improved livestock breeds and animal husbandry practices

Definition: This indicator measures the number of households that allocate part of their farm land to one or more of the ICARDA-promoted livestock breeds or animal husbandry practices.
Participants in technology demonstrations as part of a group should not be counted under this indicator.
The households can immediately be deemed to have adopted if they obtain the livestock by paying a monetary or material cost. If the livestock were handouts without a requirement to pay a monetary or material cost, upon receipt or at a later time, then the households can only be deemed to have adopted if it accumulates additional heads of livestock either through reproduction of the handout livestock or through purhase of additional livestock of the same breed.

Unit of Measure: Count of households

Disaggregated by: Improved livestock or Improved animal husbandry, Gender of household head or livestock owner, livestock type, improved trait, geographic location (national, sub-national)
Livestock type: Goats, sheep, cattle
Improved trait: Resistance to parasites and diseases, milk production, meat production, resistance to adverse climatic conditions.

Method of Calculation: Summation of the count of households rearing ICARDA-mandated livestock.

Data sources: Project reports, farm households, next-users in the livestock sector

Data collection method: Document review, farm household surveys, interviews with next-user organizations' staff

Data collection and reporting responsibility: Program leaders, project leaders, country managers, project M&E focal points

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Annual, bi-annual, baseline, mid-term, end-term

Evidence required:
For internal evaluation or research studies: Study protocol, data collection tools, dataset, report;
For external evaluation or research studies: Request for proposals (RFP) document, inception report, final report, dataset

Rationale: Adoption is a necessary condition to achieving impact. This metric will serve as an early warning to ICARDA scientists as to whether the livestock research and development outputs will lead to the scale of impact envisioned.

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