IP-1: Quantity of greenhouse gas emissions

IP-1: Quantity of greenhouse gas emissions

Definition: This indicator measures the emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide linked to the management of agricultural soils, livestock, crop production and vegetation cover. The indicator will factor in sequestration (enhanced) through ICARDA's work of promoting technologies that minimize emission intensities. Examples include low- or no-till practices; restoration of organic soils and degraded lands; efficient nitrogen fertilizer use; agroforestry; introduction/expansion of perennials; practices that promote greater resource use efficiency (e.g. drip irrigation, upgrades of agriculture infrastructure and supply chains).
The indicator does not attempt to capture carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel consumption by farm machinery.

Unit of Measure: Carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e)

Disaggregated by: Production system, geographic location (national, sub-national)
Production system: Crop cultivation, animal rearing, integrated crop-livestock system

Method of Calculation: FAO's EX-Ante Carbon balance Tool (EXACT) explained here; and ex-post methods for process-based modelling developed/validate by the M&E Unit and SEP team

Data sources: Farm households, project documents, project staff

Data collection method: Farm household surveys, key informant interviews/ Rapid assessment technique explained here.

Data collection and reporting responsibility: M&E Unit, SEP team

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Annual, bi-annual

Evidence required: Model outputs

Rationale: Collectively agriculture and food systems contribute a significant share of global greenhouse gas emissions. This indicator will track the contribution of ICARDA in making agriculture and food systems more climate smart.

Comments and limitations:

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