OP-2: Number of research papers published in peer reviewed journals

OP-2: Number of research papers published in peer reviewed journals

Definition: This indicator relates to journal articles published in reputable sources listed in directories such as the ISI Clarivate Analytics Master Journal List (formerly Thomson Reuters), Scimago, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), or the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).

Unit of Measure: Count

Disaggregated by: Accessibility (open access or restricted access), International Scientific Indexing (ISI) status (ISI or non-ISI)

Method of Calculation: Summation of the count of peer reviewed journals published in a calendar year.

Data sources: Primary data for this indicator can be derived from MEL and/or DSpace Repository

Data collection method: Routine upload of journal articles as deliverables on MEL

Data collection and reporting responsibility: Research and project leaders ensure that all publications are uploaded to MEL. The M&E Leader subsequently works with Knowledge Management (KM) staff to conduct quality assurance and completion of metadata before submitting to approved repositories.

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Routine upload of journal articles as deliverables in MEL. Reported annually.

Evidence required: List of the following: Author(s), Date of Publication, Article Title, Journal Title, Volume, Issue, Page Numbers, Open Access status, ISI, DOI or handle, CRP/other Program.

Rationale: Information generated by this indicator will provide evidence of ICARDA's 'Organizational Goal 1: Enhance scientific quality' by tracking the work of ICARDA research staff publications in high-quality and high-impact refereed journals

Comments and limitations: ICARDA and other CGIAR centers recognize that many types of publications can be important and useful, including manuals and guides, training videos, infographics, web tools, e.t.c. Nevertheless, research publications that are peer reviewed have undergone a careful review process led by academics working in a similar field and are a traditional way to measure academic quality outputs within the CGIAR, thus the dictinct role of this indicator.

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