OP-3: Number of datasets generated

OP-3: Number of datasets generated

Definition: This indicator refers to sets of primary data used to support publications and/or that have been prepared and validated but have not been used for publication. The said datasets shall contain a unique identifier for the basic unit of data collection or analysis (e.g unique household ID), metadata that clearly define each of the variables therein and of a digital file format such as Excel spreadsheets, SPSS, STATA files and any other format that may be prescribed by the MEL team. This indicators does not include laboratory notebooks, preliminary analyses, drafts of scientific papers, plans for future research, peer review reports, communications with colleagues, or physical objects, such as laboratory specimens.

Unit of Measure: Count

Disaggregated by: Access status, data generation method
Access status: Open access, timeless limited access, limited access to CGIAR, limited access with embargo date
Data generarion method: Pen-and-Paper Personal Interview (PAPI), Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI), Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI), Self-administered computer interviews (SACI), Other.

Method of Calculation: Summation of the count of datasets

Data sources: MEL, , The CGIAR Genebank Platform

Data collection method: Upload of datasets as deliverables in MEL and the CGIAR Genebank Platform. The M&E Leader subsequently works with Data Management (DM) staff to conduct quality assurance and completion of metadata before submitting to approved repositories (e.g Dataverse).

Data collection and reporting responsibility: All Research staff

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Routine uploading of datasets as deliverables in MEL; Reported annually.

Evidence required: Digital file of a format such as Excel spreadsheets, SPSS, STATA files and any other format and metadata prescribed by the MEL team.

Rationale: Datasets are important for validation of published research findings and form as a basis for future research or secondary analysis. Pooling datasets of acceptable standard creates a wealth of information that can be revisited from time-to-time to shed new insights on key ICARDA research themes.

Comments and limitations: The fluidity of what can be called a dataset may pose some challenges. A datset may constitute of any number of variables and any number of observations. The M&E Unit will be keep to verify all submitted datasets and will continously help scientists conform to what this indicator is meant to measure.

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