OP-5: Number of accessions distributed

OP-5: Number of accessions distributed

Definition: Accessions are samples of seeds, planting materials or plants conserved in a genebank. Each accession is distinct, and genetically as close as possible to the sample provided originally. This indicator examines the number of accessions distributes as a proxy for the for their use.

Unit of Measure: Count

Disaggregated by: Crop, entity type (CGIAR, non-CGIAR), entity name
Crops: Chickpea, Lentil, Faba beans, grass pea, Spring Barley, Winter barley, Durum wheat, Spring Bread wheat, Other

Method of Calculation: Summation of count

Data sources: Genebank

Data collection method: Routine recording in genebank documentation system

Data collection and reporting responsibility: Genebank curator/ Genebank Manager/ Documentation Specialist

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Real-time data collection, annual reporting

Evidence required: Genebank documentation system, reports (Genebank Online Reporting Tool, ORT)

Rationale: Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture are essential to sustainable agriculture and food security. The can be used to meet the needs of the present and future needs of crop improvement and adaptation programs. This indicator provides the contribution of the ICARDA genebanks towards long-term availability of plant genetic resources.

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