MEL Tutorial & F.A.Q.

MEL Tutorial & F.A.Q.

The user can find here the full presentation on Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning and all the answers needed! 

These questions have been collected during the various training sessions on MEL and are regularly updated:

q) I have requested to submit my password - as if I had forgotten it - but it says there is an error and I need to contact Admin. What do I do?

a) Please proceed contacting us at mel-support@cgiar.org, we will solve the issue of your login in a matter of hours, and prevent the issue from occurring again.

q) What are the technologies behind the MEL platform?

  • The MEL platform uses full stack open source environment;
  • Its backed is developed using Zend Framework version 1.12 on top of PHP;
  • Its front-end uses Javascript, CSS, HTML and metronic front-end theme;
  • The platform database engine is MySQL.

q) Will an implementation with Dataverse and/or CKAN be made?
a) Yes. It is a feature that will be implemented in the first quarter of 2017.

q) Is it possible to use the system for other projects that are not funded under the CRPs?
a) Yes. The project module may be used as standalone module. Remember that you may map projects under CRP structure, the Center structure (if the center is using the platform), or define the contribution of the project to the CGIAR Strategic Results Framework.

q) Is it possible to see which Centers are using the platform to monitor outcomes related to their own results framework?
a) Yes. Provided that the Center uses MEL as institutional tool, the users will have vision of the outcomes and related indicators. The users appointed to monitor those outcomes will also be able to add values and narrative as additional information to the indicators.

q) Will the user be able to see collaborations and collaborating teams within a Center or only across CRPs?
a) Yes. Provided that the user is eligible to monitor the research teams, the user will be able to see all collaborations and collaborating teams within Centers and CRPs.If the Center is using the platform for its internal management, the user will also have the opportunity to see collaborations and teams structured following the Center structure.In addition, the Open Facts overview allow the user to visualize partners linked to an institution, both at implementation level and for knowledge generated.

q) What is the timeline and what are the responsibilities for planning and reporting?
a) Timeline and responsibilities depends on the organization implementing your project. For example, CRPs reporting deadlines are established by the CGIAR System Management Office. To ensure the impact of reporting 2016 its recommended that information is uploaded in the platform by 31st January 2017. Note that you can report at any time, while the platform will consolidate information in accordance with set deadlines.

q) Are the listed actions and sections in Reporting just the ones related to the user activity?
a) Yes. The attribution of managing position in MEL is very strict, should you see under your responsibility something you do not recognize, please timely inform both us and the supervisor of the particular element. We will assist you in clarifying the issue.You can write at mel-support@cgiar.org, on the technical chat, and in the discussion forum.

q) Are we obliged to use the module for reporting projects mapped to bilateral donors?
a) No, unless your main organization has implemented this feature. However, contributing to a CRP through bilateral projects you are enabled to manage your own projects through MEL. Your project will inform the CRP/Flagship/Cluster to which the project is mapped, and automatically generate an informative open website.

q) Once a data has been supplied to the platform, can it be edited or deleted?
a) Yes, until the data is approved by the supervisors. After that, the data cannot be changed. You can start a discussion with your supervisors through the discussion forum anytime.

q) Can the information be supplied to the platform importing an excel or another type of file?
a) Yes. If your CRP provides a predefined excel file, this can be uploaded. Deliverable reporting relies on files uploading.

q) I am Flagship or Cluster Leader, do I have to merge all the Flagship or Cluster information with MEL manually?
a) No, this is the responsibility of each Activity/Product Leader,Output Responsible etc. However excel files can be loaded in the platform.

q) Does MEL send information and reports to donors?
a) No. If there is a demand from donors this option will be considered. As of now, you may link through MEL to other frameworks and indicators.You may also share Open Facts and projects websites with donors.

q) What is the process of MEL approvals?
a) The Approvals on MEL go through the following process

  1. The user uploads the publication.
  2. The uploaded publications go into the approval workflow where it is checked for both the legal parts and if the metadata is filled correctly. Both “Edit” “Edit details” sections should be filled or the uploaded publications will be not be approved.
  3. Once the uploaded publication is approved a DOI link will be generated. In general, all the publications with full metadata and correct information are approved within 5 days.

q) How I can get the DOI link of my uploaded publications?
a) There are several ways to do so. Please visit "How I can get the DOI link of my uploaded publications"

For more information and usage tips, please contact us at: mel-support@cgiar.org

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