
A list of MEL Glossary is created to help the users understand the definitions of terms used in MEL


A specific, time-bound, tangible information and knowledge product that is linked to an output. It is proof, in digital, electronic, physical or other kind of soft or hard copy of the completion of a set of activities. Examples of deliverables are: workshop reports, journal articles, datasets, training materials.


Knowledge, technical or institutional advancement produced by CGIAR research, engagement and/or capacity development activities. Examples of outputs include new research methods, policy analyses, gene maps, new crop varieties and breeds, institutional innovations or other products of research work.

Innovation (-- see outputs)

Research and development innovations are new or significantly improved (adaptive) outputs or groups of outputs - including management practices, knowledge or technologies. This could also refer to a significant research finding, method or tool. A significant improvement is one that allows the management practice, knowledge or technology to serve a new purpose or a new class of users to employ it, for example a new variety, a blend of fertilizer for a particular soil type, or a tool modified to suit a particular management practice.


A change in knowledge, skills, attitudes and/or relationships, manifest as a change in behavior, to which research outputs and related activities have contributed.

Sub-Intermediate Development Outcome (Sub-IDO)

Sub-intermediate development outcomes constitute a hierarchical results level within the CGIAR Strategic Results Framework (SRF) which is lower than the Intermediate Development Outcome level of results.

Intermediate Development Outcome (IDO)

Intermediate development outcomes constitute a hierarchical results level within the CGIAR Strategic Results Framework (SRF) which is just lower than the system-level impact (SLI) level, and higher than the sub-intermediate development outcome results area. IDOs and sub-IDOs contribute to system level


A time bound target that reflects progress towards a planned result. Milestones include both outputs, output use and outcomes along CRP impact pathways as appropriate to the scale and maturity of the work. Milestones are defined at CRP flagship level.


 Source: MEL Glossary