Innovations - approval workflow
The Innovations approval workflow is active for those users that belong to the group of Program Managers in an Organization or a Program.
To visualize the items that have been submitted for approval in this workflow the user has to click on the menu - Approvals.
The items that are being reported but that have not submitted yet will also appear in this list. The status of these items will be indicated as Draft and the Actions button will not be active.
Once a user submit an innovation for approval, the item will appear in this list. The status of the submitted innovation will be indicated as Completed and three Actions button will be active.
Check and Approve
Delete innovation
Check and Approve
This button will open the Innovation form in edit mode. The user will be able to review and modify the report and to decide if it will be approved or rejected.
In both cases the item will be kept in the list. The status will be indicated as Approved or Rejected depending on the results of the review.
This button will start a new discussion with the creator of the innovation report and with the reporting scientist(s). The discussion will appear in the Discussion section.
Delete innovation
This button will delete the selected innovation report. The item will be kept in the list and its status indicated as Canceled.
Export innovation button
The Export Innovation button, that appears on the right corner of the section, generates an Excel file with all the details of the items that appear in the list.