MEL Notification System

The notification system of MEL was designed to facilitate the submission of reports, deliverables and milestones and ensure that they are delivered on time through sending e-mail notifications. The emails will be sent to Project Coordinators and the POs through email. If the email is being sent to the Project Coordinator, the alias email of the PO will be copied to CC. The emails will be personalized by including the name of the addressed person.

Notification email to be sent when a project is created by the PO
This email will be sent to the Project Coordinator when a PO creates a project in the “General Information” tab of the edit section. The Project Coordinator will be informed that (s)he is assigned to a project and can go ahead and edit/manage the project

When a Coordinator submits the Planning section and submission goes to the workflow

When the Project Coordinator submits the project information for the PO’s validation, both PO and the Project Coordinator will receive a notification email. The PO will receive a notification that (s)he can review the planned information, while the Project Coordinator will receive an email that the submission was made successfully

When PO validates the submission of the “Planning” section

When the submission of the Project Coordinator is approved by the PO, the project coordinator will receive an email that the planning section was approved and now (s)he can fill the reporting section.

Notification email 15 days before the deliverable/milestone submission

This reminder email is for Project Coordinators, it will tell them which deliverable is due in the next 15 days. Similar notification will be sent to the PO of the project 5 days before the submission of the deliverable/milestone.

1 month before the periodic reporting deadline

This reminder email is for Project Coordinators, it will tell them that the periodic reporting submission is in the next 30 days.