Uploading a File while Reporting a Deliverable

Uploading a File while Reporting a Deliverable

If you click on the “Add Report” button, a window will appear that will enable, and by clicking on “Select Report File” it is possible to make an upload. Another window will open, showing the user, the first of two steps called “Manage Files”.

 Screenshot 63: Uploading a File while Reporting a Deliverable

In this first step, it is possible to choose the type of deliverable from a drop-down menu. If a type with sub-types is selected, a new box will appear for selecting the sub-type. The following types and sub-types are available:


  1. Audio

  2. Blog

  3. Book

  4. Book chapter

  5. Brief

  6. Brochure

  7. Conference paper

  8. Conference proceedings

  9. Dataset, with the following sub-types:

    1. Other

    2. Socio-Economic Survey Data

    3. Crop Yields in Field Experiment

    4. Spatial (raster, vector)

  10. Demonstrator, pilot, prototype, plan designs

  11. Equation

  12. Image, with the following sub-types:

    1. Logo

    2. Photo

    3. Photo Report

  13. Journal article

  14. Manual

  15. Map

  16. News item/Press item

  17. Newsletter

  18. Other, with the sub-type that can be defined by the user.

  19. Poster

  20. Presentation

  21. The report, with the following sub-types:

    1. Internal Report

    2. Conference/Workshop Report

    3. Donor Report

  22. Software

  23. Source code

  24. Template

  25. Tool

  26. Training materials

  27. Video

  28. Website

  29. Wiki

  30. Working paper

 After defining the type and sub-type, if applicable, there are four options to add a file:


Add the file link: Adding the handle from a CGIAR Repository (e.g., CGSpace, MELSpace, ICRISAT ePrints), a DOI link, or a URL link. Below are some examples:

Handle link from CGSpace, for example, Crop resistance and household resilience – the case of cassava and sweetpotato during super-typhoon Ompong in the Philippines

DOI link, for example, Novel and known signals of selection for fat deposition in domestic sheep breeds from Africa and Eurasia

The URL link of the file, for example, https://www.agropolis.org/publications/agroecology.php

After pasting the link to the box with the watermark: “e.g. handle from a CGIAR repository, URL link or DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/csp.2.320”, click on the “Add Link” button on the left.

  1. Dropping the file(s): 

Drag and drop the file(s) within the blue box to upload the file(s).

  1. Browsing from computer/device: 

The option to browse the file from the computer/device is clickable. When selected, a new window opens to browse the file from the user’s device.

  1. Select from existing reports in MEL: 

The option to select from MEL reports is clickable. By selecting it, a window will open to show the existing reports, with the MEL ID of the file, the title of the report, and the file name.

To add an existing report, click on the box on the left of MEL ID and click on the “Add files” button. It is possible to upload multiple reports by selecting more than one box.

To report a file, it is possible to drop the file in the blue box. Click on "Browse from your computer/device" or select from MEL reports to upload single or multiple items.

Several file extensions are allowed: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif, mp4, 3gpp, mp3, wav, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, ppt, pptx, kml, kmz, sav, cpg, dbf, prj, spn, sbx, shp, shx, zip, eqa.

When uploading a file, a set of questions will appear:

Does this information product contain an image/video of a human subject(s)?: If the uploaded file contains human subject images or videos, the user uploading the file has to confirm that the subject(s) has/have been informed about the intention of using their images. This follows the  General Data Regulation Protection (GDPR), which are rules for the protection of personal data inside and outside the European Union.

If the answer to the first question is a yes, another set of questions will be displayed. Please read the questions and reply accordingly. In case there is no consent to use the images/videos, the uploaded file will be saved automatically as timeless limited access.

Once a file is uploaded and saved for the first time, the system records it as a first version. The system generates a new version for each time the user accesses the “Details” sections to update the metadata or add/delete files. In this way, it is possible to save multiple versions of the file (e.g., in Word and PDF). It is possible to return to any previously saved versions to check the saved metadata and the uploaded files, in addition, it is possible to save any older submit (save) any older version however once this is done the system will consider the submitted version as the latest version.

It is also possible to check who is the last person who updated the metadata and who has approved it from the “Details” section.

To save multiple versions of the file:

After the file in its second version (e.g., from Word to PDF) has been uploaded, metadata added, and the file saved, open the file from the “Edit” action button.

Click on “x” next to the version of the file to delete.

Please note that the file will not be deleted but saved as an older version.

  • Click on “Save” or “Next (Details)” to complete the process and save the new version.

Screenshot 64: GDPR Questions while Filling Metadata Information

The “Details” page is organized in the following grouping, here called clusters:

  1. Date

  2. File

  3. Author

  4. Access

  5. Subject

  6. Stakeholders

  7. Location

Under each cluster, there are relevant metadata fields to be filled. Below is the preview of the deliverable type Journal Articles. The cluster’s name is reported on the top of each section.

  1. “Do you need help?” button: Upon clicking this button, the user can read the explanation on the new features, “Magic Wand” and “Extract from Platform”.

  2. “Magic Wand” icon: Clicking on this icon fills at once the page with all available information from the MEL Planning section. The user can also extract available information and add it to single files when the icon of the “Magic Wand” is next to the chosen field.

  3. Extract from Platform” icon: Clicking on this icon fills at once the page with all available information from other platforms such as CGIAR Repositories or Web of Science/Scopus when the Handle or the DOI, respectively, is provided in the previous step “Manage files”. In the case of the DOI, metadata will appear only if the article is indexed in one of the two repositories (Web of Science or Scopus).

  4. Metadata progress bar: It is a bar showing the progress in filling the form. It includes:

a. Basic metadata: The mandatory fields required to save the deliverable as a draft.

b. Required metadata: The mandatory fields required to submit the deliverable.

c. All metadata: All the fields in the form.

Function buttons, such as:

a. “Manage Files” brings the user back to the previous page, where the file is uploaded.

b. “Save as Draft” saves the form as a draft so the user can continue to fill the form at a later stage.

c. “Submit” submits the metadata entry and creates the record in MEL.

d. “Close” closes the window.

Screenshot 65: Metadata Information Full Page Overview

The Date cluster in the Details page includes all the references to dates and periods related to the uploaded file and the research, if applicable.

These boxes are:

  • Creation/Submission Date: The creation date of the publication.

  • Date Accepted for Publication: The acceptance date of the publication.

  • Online Publication Date: The date of the publication published online.

  • In Print Publication Date: The date of the printed publication.

  • Research Period: The start and end date of the research, if applicable.

  Screenshot 66: Selecting Dates while uploading the file

The File cluster in the Details page includes:

  • Report file type: It shows the type chosen in the previous step (“Manage file”).

  • Title: The publication’s title.

  • Summary/Abstract/Description: The abstract of the uploaded item.

  • URL: Several options are made available under this field (DOI, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, CGSpace and Other URL). This field becomes mandatory if the “Online Publication Date” is filled.

  • Series Title: The series title if the item uploaded is part of a series.

  • Series Number: The number of the series.

  • Language(s): The language of the publication. The user can select multiple languages.


Screenshot 67: Selecting Information on the File while Uploading a Report

The Author cluster in the Details page includes:

·        First Author: The first author's name from the drop-down list. If the author’s name does not appear in the drop-down list, a new user can be added by clicking the “+” button next to the “First Author”. To complete the process, follow the steps mentioned on the Add New User page.

·        Corresponding author: The corresponding author or main author of the publication. Only one Corresponding Author can be chosen among the "First Author" or the "Co-Authors" by clicking on the envelope symbol.

·        Co-Authors: Co-Authors of the publication can be added by clicking on the “Add Co-Authors” button. In case the Co-Author is not in the MEL database, add it by choosing the “+” symbol. The module also allows to drag and drop the name to change a different order of authors.

·        Journal Title: The journal name, as reported in the publication. A drop-down list is available; however, the user can also add a new Journal to the list.

·        The issue, Volume, Pagination (from/to): The issue, volume, and page numbers, if applicable.

·        ISSN: The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of the journal. It is usually printed. If the user selects a journal available in the drop-down list, the system will automatically retrieve the ISSN number related to that journal. Otherwise, the user is asked to manually fill in this information.

·        ISBN: The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of the book.

·        ESSN: The Electronic Standard Serial Number (ESSN) of the journal. It is usually online.

·        Publisher: The publisher of the Journal. If the user selects a journal available in the drop-down list, the system will automatically retrieve the Publisher name related to that journal. Otherwise, the user is asked to manually fill in this information.

·        Publisher Country: The country of the publisher of the Journal. If the user selects a journal available in the drop-down list, the system will automatically retrieve the Publisher country related to that journal. Otherwise, the user is asked to manually fill in this information.

·        Publisher City: The city of the publisher of the Journal, if known.

·        ISI Journal?: The ISI, formerly known as the Institute for Scientific Information, is an attribute of the Journal, meaning that it is indexed in at least one of the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). It is possible to check if the Journal is indexed in the WoS Core Collection by searching the Journal (name or ISSN) in the freely accessible database of WoS (Master Journal List).

·        Impact Factor: If the Journal is ISI (see the previous point), the user can add the Impact Factor, which can be usually found on the Journal website.

·        Peer-reviewed Journal?: If the Journal clearly states that it follows a peer review policy, select Yes. If the Journal is ISI (see the previous points), it has been peer-reviewed.

Screenshot 68: Selecting Author Details while Filling Metadata Information

Access Status: The access status of the publication. To specify whether open, timeless limited access, or limited access (CGIAR). For the limited access, it is possible to specify if:

Timeless limited access: Undefined limited access.

Limited access (CGIAR): A pre-set embargo date for each type of publication as per CGIAR copyright policies will be in place.

  • Journal Article: 178 days from the first uploading date.

  • Report/Working Paper: 58 days from the first uploading date.

-Book, Book Chapter: 178 days from the first uploading date.

-Dataset: 178 days from the first uploading date.

-Video, Audio, Image: 58 days from the first uploading date.

Limited access until The embargo date can be automatically be added by the system if the Limited access (CGIAR) options are selected or manually added by the user. After that date, the publication will be released from the embargo and become open access.  Below are some examples of embargo periods:

License: It is the copyright or permission to use. It consists of a set of rules, terms, and conditions of publishing articles, books, reports, etc…. It is normally set by the Journal.  Many

 license types are available in the drop-down list and should be chosen according to the Access status type. If:

Open access: Select the appropriate Creative Commons (CC) License type.

Limited access: Several options are available, among which the most common “Copyrighted, all rights reserved”.

The “? ” next to each item gives a brief explanation of each item.

All fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory for the deliverable submission


Screenshot 69: Selecting Access Status while Filling Metadata Information

The Subject cluster in the Details page includes:

SDG(s): The Sustainable Development Goals. Multiple options can be chosen.

CGIAR Impact Areas: The impact areas of One CGIAR.

CGIAR Action Areas: The action areas of One CGIAR. Read more here.

Keyword(s): The keywords of the item uploaded. Two or three keywords are the minimum desired number. The provided keywords in the drop-down menu are powered by AGROVOC, the FAO Multilingual Thesaurus.

Commodity(ies): Add the researched or mentioned commodities in the uploaded item. More options can be chosen from the drop-down list.

Dataverse Subjects: It is the list of research categories used in Dataverse. Select from the drop-down list the most appropriate category for the uploaded item.

Related Publications: The user can add a reference to the uploaded item in two ways:

Add Reference (from MEL): By clicking on “Add Reference (from MEL)” a new field will open. Type one character at least or the full title and select from the drop-down list.

The user can see the item added as a reference only if added to MELSpace as an approved item (the DOI appears next to the publication).

·        Add Reference (External publications): The user can add a reference from an external resource by clicking on “Add Reference (External publications)” a set of fields will open with the following required information:

a. Citation: Add the citation of the required publication.

b. ID Type: Several ID types are made available such as (DOI, ISSN, ISBN, URL, etc.). Choose the most appropriate one from the drop-down list.

c. ID Number: The number of the ID type the user has selected. For example, if the user has selected the DOI as ID type then, under this field, the DOI number should be added.

d. URL: Copy and paste the URL of the publication added as a reference.

All fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory for the deliverable submission

Screenshot 70: Selecting Relevant Subjects with the File in the Metadata page

The Stakeholder cluster in the Details page includes:

·        Reporting CRP: The reporting CRP to which the deliverable is mapped. Multiple options can be chosen from the drop-down list.

·        Donors: The donors that contributed to the research and work. Multiple options can be chosen from the drop-down list. If not available, the user can add a new donor by clicking on the "+" button and following up the steps mentioned in the Add new partner page.

·        Partners: Select the partners involved in the publication from the drop-down list. Multiple options can be chosen from the drop-down list. If not available, the user can add a new partner by clicking on the “+" button and following up the steps mentioned in the Add new partner page.

 All fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory for the deliverable submission

Screenshot 71: Selecting Relevant Stakeholders of Uploaded File

The Location cluster in the Details page includes:

  • GPS coordinates: By clicking on “Add GPS Coordinates” a new field will open. The user can add optional information.

  • Click on the map to select coordinates: The user can select the coordinates by simply clicking on the map.

  • Research county(ies): The country(ies) where the research was conducted. Multiple countries can be chosen.

  • Research City(ies): If the Research Country(ies) is added, the user can specify the city(ies) where the research has been conducted.

  • Geo Admin unit: The admin Geo unit.


Screenshot 72: Selecting Location Details of the Uploaded File

Citation: The citation of the deliverable will be automatically generated once all the required data are filled and saved. It is also possible to select the “Enter citation manually” option and manually enter the citation.

Handle: It will be generated once the item is approved in MELSpace and does not require any action from the user. 

Screenshot 73: Citation and Handle Boxes in the Metadata Page

After uploading the file in MEL, it is possible to mark the deliverable as “Completed” through the orange “Deliverable Reporting” button.


Please note that MEL will ask to upload a file to mark the deliverable as “Completed”.

Screenshot 74: Marking Deliverable as Completed/ Postponed or Cancelled

After marking the deliverable report as “Complete”, the file reported can be seen in the deliverable list, as well as the date of marking the report as completed. Once the deliverable was marked as “Complete”, later on it is possible to see “Approved” or “Rejected” under the “Status” tab, depending on the evaluation of the PO.

Screenshot 75: Deliverable Report/Postponing the Deliverable 1.2

In Screenshot, deliverable 1.2 has been marked as postponed to 2021-08-27, this date is seen under “Rescheduled Date”, while under the tab “Original Date”, the planned date of the deliverable remains. The postponed deliverable’s left side is orange color, while for deliverable 1.1, which was completed, the color is green and the tab “Actual Delivery Date” shows the date when the deliverable was submitted.

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