Find here all the answers you need! These questions have been collected during the various training sessions on MEL, up to date:
q) What are the technologies behind the MEL platform?
- The MEL platform uses full stack open source environment;
- Its backed is developed using Zend Framework version 1.12 on top of PHP;
- Its front-end uses Javascript, CSS, HTML and metronic front-end theme;
- The platform database engine is MySQL.
q) Will the user be able to see collaborations and collaborating teams within a Center or only across CRPs?
a) Yes. Provided that the user is eligible to monitor the research teams, the user will be able to see all collaborations and collaborating teams within Centers and CRPs.If the Center is using the platform for its internal management, the user will also have the opportunity to see collaborations and teams structured following the Center structure.In addition, the Open Facts overview allow the user to visualize partners linked to an institution, both at implementation level and for knowledge generated.
q) I have requested to submit my password - as if I had forgotten it - but it says there is an error and I need to contact Admin. What do I do?
a) Please proceed contacting us at, we will solve the issue of your login in a matter of hours, and prevent the issue from occurring again.
q) Are the listed actions and sections in Reporting just the ones related to the user activity?
a) Yes. The attribution of managing position in MEL is very strict, should you see under your responsibility something you do not recognize, please timely inform both us and the supervisor of the particular element. We will assist you in clarifying the issue.You can write at, on the technical chat, and in the discussion forum.
For more information and usage tips, please contact us at: