- Title*
- Type*
- First Author*: Select the first author's name from the drop down list. If the author’s name does not appear in the drop down list, you can add a new user by clicking on the “+” next to “First Author”.
A new window will open. Adding a new user goes through two steps.
Step 1 - Add user
Fill in the needed information. Boxes with red asterisks are mandatory.
To complete the process, add the new users profile by:
- Clicking on "Add profile & save" to add the profile and save. or
- Clicking on "Add Profile & send Email" to add the profile and send email to the new added user in order to complete/edit his/her information. This can be done only if the new added user's email was inserted.
Step 2 - Add Profile:
Choose the organization associated with the user from the organization drop down list, and save or
Add a new organization by clicking on "+"
Fill in the needed information and save.
Follow up the steps mentioned in Add New User
- Specify the corresponding author by clicking on the flag icon next to the "First Author" or the "Co-Authors". Only one Corresponding Author should be chosen by clicking on the flag icon next to his/her name.
- Co-Authors
- Reporting CRP* (or Non-CRP)
- Donors
- Partners