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Several filter options are available: 

Approved statues:

  1. Approved and modified: The filter shows the CapDev. activities that have been approved already and modified by a user requiring a second/view approval in the workflow to sync the repository.
  2. First approve: The filter shows the CapDev. activities not approved yet.
  3. All: Both “Approved and modified” and “First approval”. This is the default statues of the page.


The user can set the number of items to be shown by clicking on records. Searching for specific item is possible too by typing the item ID or the title in the search box.

The CapDev. activities to be approved are listed as per the type of filter selected. The list contains the following columns:

  • Workflow Title: It shows the responsible center. In this case it is ICARDA.
  • Item ID: It shows the ID of the item uploaded.
  • Subject:
  • Item Type: It shows the type of the item uploaded, for example, journal article.
  • Supervisor: It shows supervisor of the CapDev. activity.

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