Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.

Several filter options are available: Image Removed

Approved statues:

  1. Approved and modified: The filter shows the reports that have been approved already and modified by a user requiring a second/view approval in the workflow to sync the repository.
  2. First approve: The filter shows the reports not approved yet.
  3. All: Both “Approved and modified” and “First approval”. This is the default statues of the page.

Image RemovedImage Added


  1. All items: The filter shows all the file in this workflow.
  2. My items: The filter shows all the reports to approve without the files your assigned to other or others assigned to you.
  3. Items assigned to others: The filter shows all the files you assigned to other to approve.
  4. Items assigned to me: The filter shows all the files assigned to you to approve.

Image Added

Note that Image Added the next to each item gives a brief explanation to that item.