As mentioned in the previously, the capacity development activity approvals/action section consists of 6 options:
- Approve.
- Reject.
- Revision Requested.
- Assign.
- Go To.
- Start Discussion.
To approve the CapDev. activity. Choose the file to approve and click on “approve”.
Add your comment if any, in "approve comments" box and click on "Submit".
If for any reason you want to reject/cancel the submitted CapDev. activity. Click on "Reject".
Explain why you rejected the CapDev. activity in the "Reject (Cancel) comments" box and click on "Submit".
Revision Requested:
If the CapDev. activity submitted needs to be revised. Click on "Revision Requested".
Write why the revision is requested in the "Revision comments" box and click on "Submit".
If you want to assign the file to be approved by another user, click on “assign”.
Select the name of the user to assign and click on “assign”.