When you press SLM visualization, this interface will show up. The navigation menu enables to navigate and browse through the Raster database based on the theme/sub-theme structure.
Figure1: Overview of the "SLM visualization" part
Once the query is done, the output results will be shown up on the interface. Eventually, the interface will be divided into 4 sections:
- Section 1: You can see the Filter options – Drill-down by Gaul (Country, Region, Continent, & District).
- Section 2: There are some controls – tools allowing you to move around the map with the use of zoom in, zoom extent, zoom out, pan functions etc.
- Section 3: You can see the output result for Value by Location, Summary Statistics, and Options by Context.
- Section 4: You can see the report download.
Photo can not be shot in one image so it is not taken. Need to speak with Bashar.
Figure2: Overview of the output of the SLM query
Section 1: Select By (GAUL)
Select by Region of Interest – Drill-down GAUL
Region | Sub-region | Country | Theme | Sub-theme | Datasets |
Section 2: Map Toolbars
Map navigation
- Zoom In
- Zoom Extent
- Zoom Out
Select by Region of Interest (Map)
- Select by Polygon
- Select by Window
- Select by Location
- Show/Hide SLM
- Filter
- Show Options by Context
Section 3: Output Window – Value by Location, Summary Statistics, Options by Context
- Value by Location
This table displays the values for each pixel.
- Summary Statistics
This table displays aggregated information related to the user defined area of interest.
- Percentage of Pixel by Class
This table displays the options ranked by frequency.
Section 4: Report Download
The statistics for the ROI and the selected rasters for the ROI are available for download by clicking the download icon
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