PR-1: Monetary value of operations

PR-1: Monetary value of operations

Definition: Amount of funds disbursed

Unit of Measure: United States Dollars (USD)

Disaggregated by: Country, Office status (Presence or absence of ICARDA office)

Method of Calculation: Summation of all funds disbursed from all BUSs

Data sources: OCS

Data collection method: No special data collection is required for this indicator. The information utilised will be generated through the routine use of OCS for ICARDA management.

Data collection and reporting responsibility: MEL team and Finance team

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Annual reporting

Evidence required: OCS and MEL summary reports

Rationale: Information generated by tracking this indicator will provide insight of the ICARDA operational landscape, and will provide useful insight for use in the annual report and the financial report. In addition, the information can be used to evaluate the 'ICARDA country office expansion strategy'

Comments and limitations: The cross-country comparison of project value does not take account of or adjust for the cost of doing business in different countries. As a result two countries could have the same project value but with one of them having a larger scope (outputs) because of a lower cost of doing business in that country.