OC-3: Number of ICARDA-origin crop varieties released by national partners

OC-3: Number of ICARDA-origin crop varieties released by national partners

Definition: Released varieties are those that have passed through the required national approval process to make the seed of the new variety available for multiplication and onward sale or distribution to farmers.

Unit of Measure: Count

Disaggregated by: Crop (Chickpea, Lentil, Faba beans, grass pea, Spring Barley, Winter barley, Durum wheat, Spring Bread wheat), Winter bread wheat), Seed category (Hybrid, Open Pollinated Variety), Trait enhanced (heat tolerance, moisture stress, drought tolerance, resistance to pest & diseases, and others), country

Method of Calculation: Summation of count

Data sources: National partners such NARES

Data collection method: Consultations with national partners (such as NARES), Review of partner records such as national seed varietal release data

Data collection and reporting responsibility: Seed Systems and International Nurseries

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Routine data collection, Annual reporting

Evidence required: Variety release documents

Rationale: Variety release is a key pre-rquisite for taking crop technologies to scale through wide distribution networks. Tracking this indicator will therefore shedlight on the crop technologies available for uptake at scale

Comments and limitations:

OC-4.1: Number of farm households that have adopted improved crop varieities and management practices