OC-7.2: Yield of ICARDA-mandated livestock

OC-7.2: Yield of ICARDA-mandated livestock

Definition: Yield is a measure of the total livestock output per animal. Weight in kilograms of entire animals which were offtake per maximum number in herd, flock. Offtake quantity includes the entire weight of all animals that were sold, slaughtered, gifted or exchanged, including those for home consumption.

Unit of Measure: Kilograms

Disaggregated by: Livestock, livestock production system; gender of the household head or flock/herd owner, geographic location (national, sub-national)
Livestock: Goats, Sheep, Cattle
Livestock production systems: Rangeland; rural mixed crop-livestock; urban/peri-urban; and intensive commercial livestock production

Method of Calculation:
Yield=Weight of offtakesMaximum number of livestock in herd or flock
If there is more than one production cycle in the reporting period, a summation of weight of offtakes and the sum of livestock in the herd or flock across the production cycles should be used, leading to the computation of average livestock yield achieved across the different production cycles.

Data sources: Farm households, next-user records, FAO statistics or other reliable national and sub-national statistics

Data collection method: Farm household surveys, review and analysis of secondary literature and datasets

Data collection and reporting responsibility: Program leaders, country managers, project leaders, project M&E focal points

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Annual, biannual, baseline, mid-term, end-term

Evidence required:
For internal evaluation or research studies: Study protocol, data collection tools, dataset, report;
For external evaluation or research studies: Request for proposals (RFP) document, inception report, final report, dataset

Rationale: Closing yield gaps through improved livestock breeds and better livestock management practices is one of the mandates of ICARDA. It can lead to increased income and potentially a reduction in poverty rate.

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