OC-6: Area under ICARDA-promoted improved crop varieties and recommended agronomic management practices

OC-6: Area under ICARDA-promoted improved crop varieties and recommended agronomic management practices

Definition: This indicator measures the area where ICARDA-promoted improved varieties or recommended agronomic management practices are applied during the reporting year. Area of a demonstration or common plot cultivated under improved practices or technologies by participants who are part of a group should not be counted under this indicator.

Unit of Measure: Hectares

Disaggregated by: Nature of intervention (improved varieties, recommended agronomic management practices), gender of the household head or farm plot owner (Male, Female), Geographic location (national, sub-national), area estimation method (self-reported, GPS mesurement), variety identification method (DNA fingerprinting, expert opinion, visual aid protocols, self-reported, remote-sensing).
Variety identification methods: DNA fingerprinting, expert opinion, visual aid protocols, self-reported, remote-sensing

Method of Calculation: Sum of area under each variety and management practice. If same area is under both an improved variety and recommended agronomic management practice, then it will be considered seperately for both, i.e the summation will be for each.

Data sources: Farm households

Data collection method: Farm household surveys

Data collection and reporting responsibility: Program leaders, country managers, project leaders, project M&E focal points

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Annual, bi-annual, baseline, mid-term, end-term

Evidence required:
For internal evaluation or research studies: Study protocol, data collection tools, dataset, report;
For external evaluation or research studies: Request for proposals (RFP) document, inception report, final report, dataset

Rationale: This indicator tracks successful application of ICARDA technologies and management practices in an effort to achieve impact through improved agricultural productivity.

Comments and limitations: It is likely that the same area may be planted to improved varieties, and best management practices of one or more kinds applied to the same area. The sum of the indicator values therefore should not be construed to represent exclusive tracts of land.

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