PR-4: Number germplasm requests received

PR-4: Number germplasm requests received

Definition: The indicators records the number of requests received by ICARDA genebank from a wide range of users from the many countries who request for germplasm. Whereas genebanks offer a range of services, such as capacity building and support to national partners, this indicator is designed only to record requests for germplast.

Unit of Measure: Count

Disaggregated by: Crop, Entity type (CGIAR, non-CGIAR), entity name, country
Crops: Chickpea, Lentil, Faba beans, grass pea, Spring Barley, Winter barley, Durum wheat, Spring Bread wheat, Other

Method of Calculation: Summation of count

Data sources: Emails, Genebank documentation system

Data collection method: Recording of requests received by direct emails, or from genesys

Data collection and reporting responsibility: Documentation Specialist/ Genebank Managers

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Real-time data collection, annual reporting

Evidence required: Genebank documentation system, reports (ORT)

Rationale: ICARDA is a world leader in the collection and characterization of plant genetic diversity and the provision of this material to breeding programs globally.The activities of ICARDA genebanks and the Genebank Platform are targeted specifically to bring about increased conservation and use of genetic resources with the aim of achieving CGIAR System Level Outcomes (Sub-IDO 1.4) and UN Sustainable Development Goals (Target 2.5). Tracking the number of germplast requests helps determine the demand for germplast and if examined closely with indicator OP-5, can help determine whether there is an unmet demand for germplasm.