OC-9.1: Share of the improved breeds in total livestock population

OC-9.1: Share of the improved breeds in total livestock population

Definition: This indicator will measure the composition of improved livestock breeds in total livestock reared. Improved breeds include livestock that is a genetically superior as a result of selective breeding.

Unit of Measure: Percentage

Disaggregated by: Livestock type (Goats, Sheep, Cattle), breed, Improved trait, Geographic location (national, sub-national)
Improved trait: Resistance to parasites and diseases, milk production, meat production, resistance to adverse climatic conditions

Method of Calculation:
Share of improved breeds=Total count of improved breedsTotal count of livestock×100

Data sources: Farm households

Data collection method: Farm household surveys

Data collection and reporting responsibility: Program leader, project leader, project M&E focal point person

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Annual, bi-annual, baseline, mid-term, end-term.

Evidence required:
For internal evaluation or research studies: Study protocol, data collection tools, dataset, report;
For external evaluation or research studies: Request for proposals (RFP) document, final report, dataset

Rationale: Livestock provide a wide variety of goods and services that generate income and support the livelihoods of millions of poor people. Improved breeds enhance the benefits that accrue to farm households, as such, livestock is entrenched in the ICARDA strategic research priorities (SRPs) two and three. This indicator will therefore contribute towards the measurement of results related to SRP 2 and SRP 3.

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