PR-5: Share of international nurseries recipients reporting performance trials results

PR-5: Share of international nurseries recipients reporting performance trials results

Definition: This indicator serves to track the proportion of cooperators that receive international nurseries for trials and report back to ICARDA the trial results. ICARDA runs an international nursery trialing system as an integral part of the crop improvement program. It provides the cooperators with the opportunity to evaluate the genetically diverse germplasms generated through conventional and modern breading methodologies under their own agro-ecological conditions and socio-economic contexts.

Unit of Measure: Percentage

Disaggregated by: Crop, Entity type (CGIAR, non-CGIAR), entity name, country
Crops: Chickpea, Lentil, Faba beans, grass pea, Spring Barley, Winter barley, Durum wheat, Spring Bread wheat, Other

Method of Calculation:
Share of cooperators reporting trial results=Number of cooperators reporting trial resultsNumber of cooperators that received international nurseries×100

Data sources: International Nurseries Data Management System (IDMS)

Data collection method: Routine recording in IDMS

Data collection and reporting responsibility: Program leader- seed systemsand international nurseries

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Annual

Evidence required: IDMS report

Rationale: It is crucial that ICARDA receives trials results information from cooperators in order to gain a good understanding of the performance of cultivars released in different countries. This provides ICARDA an opportunity to group testing locations into zones with similar environments, and determines whether alternative cultivars are required for particular environments. This metric will therefore be useful in tracking this important aspect.