OC-10.2: Quantity of ICARDA-mandated crops and livestock food products consumed
Definition: This indicator measures the average daily intake of food products derived from ICARDA-mandated crops and livestock by each adult equivalent in the household.
Unit of Measure: Grams per adult equivalent per day
Disaggregated by: Crop/livestock, sex of household head (Male, Female), Geographic location (national, sub-national)
Crop: Chickpea, Lentil, Faba beans, grass pea, Spring barley, Winter barley, Durum wheat, Spring Bread wheat
If crop: Timing of data collection (Within 3 months from harvest, >3-6 months from harvest, >6-12 months from harvest.
Livestock: Goats, Sheep, Cattle
Method of Calculation:
Determine the all the household members by age and gender;
Determine the quantity of food by category & type consumed in the household for a given period of time and determine those/share derived from ICARDA-mandated crops or livestock;
Adjust the quantity of food for post-harvest & preparation losses.
Compute the adult equivalent number of household members using the FAO age-gender specific energy requirements (http://www.fao.org/3/a-y5686e.pdf) and using the reference of 1 adult equivalent equal to 3,050 Kcal/day (i.e the Daily Energy Requirement of an adult male of 18-30 year).
Divide the quantity of food consumed daily from ICARDA-mandated crops or livestock and divide by the total adult equivalents in the household.
Data sources: Farm households, FAO/WHO energy requirement documents, food conversion tables, literature on post-harvest and preparation food losses.
Data collection method: Farm household surveys, document review
Data collection and reporting responsibility: Program leader, project leader, project M&E focal point person
Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Annual, bi-annual, baseline, mid-term, end-term.
Evidence required:
For internal evaluation or research studies: Study protocol, data collection tools, dataset, report;
For external evaluation or research studies: Request for proposals (RFP) document, final report, dataset
Rationale: For food-based nutrients to be efficacious, they have to be consumed in sufficient quantities and intensities. This indicator provides a snapshot of the usefulness of the ICARDA-promoted food crops and animal foods and hence signals potential nutritional benefit (or the lack thereof) accruing to the producer and consumer households.
Comments and limitations: The indicator does not capture potential intra-household variations in food consumption, but rather assumes consumption proportional to individual energy requirements.