Activity/Product Reporting

The activity/product reporting is the second step of the CRP's reporting process. The activity/product reporting section can be accessed through the reporting dashboard by clicking on Reporting - CRP. 

All activity leaders/co-leaders who are involved in the cluster can access this section and view all activity/product reports submitted under the same cluster, Only the activity/product leader and co-leader can add/Submit reports related to their activities, and this can be done once all the outputs for the specific activity are reported. 

The CRP reporting dashboard will open.

Click on “Activity/Product” (1) to unfold the related list of activities to be reported.

You can fold and unfold a section by clicking on the arrow (1) next to each section.

Select the requested Activity/Product (1) and click on "Report" (2) button.

The activity/product reporting page will open divided to 3 main sections:

  • Activity/Product (1): The manage section of Activity/product reporting.
  • Activity/Products output reports (2): To see all reported output reports, organized by activity/products.
  • List of projects mapped under the cluster (3): To see the list of projects which are mapped to the cluster.


Each Activity/product reporting section contains the following:

  • Cluster Reporting (1).
  • Export (2).
  • Search (3).
  • Code (4).
  • Name (5).
  • Leader Name (6).
  • Co-Leader Name (7).
  • Actions (8):
    • Reports (a).
    • See output reports (b).
    • See/Upload file (c).
    • See indicators (d).

Cluster Reporting (1): The name of the activity/product’s cluster is displayed as a link (a). By clicking the link (a).

The cluster reporting page will open.

Export (2): Click on export (2) to export the activity/product reports as an excel file.

Search (3): Click on search (3) to search for a specific activity/product.

Actions (8): Contains a set of actions related to a specific activity/product:

  • Reports (a): To see all submitted reports under a specific activity/product or submit a new report.
  • See output reports (b): To see all submitted output reports related to the specific activity/product.
  • See/Upload file (c): To see all the files uploaded under a specific activity/product or upload new files.
  • See indicators (d): To see all the indicators related to a specific activity/product.