IITA's Key Performance Indicators Reference Sheets
Edited by Hope Webber
Impact Indicator: IITA Impact. Number of people lifted out of poverty (head count)
Outcome Indicators:
KPI 1. Yield of IITA priority commodities (t/ha).
KPI 2. Land area (Ha) under proven Sustainable Land Use practices.
KPI 3. Percent of People (farmers including women and youth) adopting proven production technologies and management practices ( E.g ISFM, Weed Management, IPM, and PHH: Post Harvest Handling).
KPI 3a. Percent of farmers who have adopted Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) technologies in IITA targeted zones.
KPI 3b. Percent of farmers who have adopted improved weed management practices in IITA targeted zones.
KPI 4. Number of people benefiting (growing or consuming) from IITA priority commodities that have been Biofortified (bred for higher micronutrient content or improved nutritional quality of food products along the value chains).
KPI 6. Number of jobs created in the agribusiness ventures scaled out.
Output Indicators:
KPI 5. Number of technological innovations developed for IITA priority crops by Phase (Developed; Piloted (validated); Available for uptake; Uptake by the next users).
KPI 7. Number of Agribusiness ventures in the priority crops and livestock supported by IITA scaled out by stakeholders.
KPI 8. Number of people trained.
KPI 8a. Number of research students trained.
KPI 8b: Number of women and youth trained in IITA supported Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship Programs.
KPI 9. Number of formal and informal research partnerships formed with other CGIAR and non-CGIAR partners (E.g. small and medium enterprises (SMEs), farmer organizations, community-based organizations, women and youth groups).
KPI 10. Number of peer reviewed publications made available through open access repositories (E.g. CGSpace)
KPI 11. Number of IITA supported research Programs and innovations that have mainstreamed gender in their activities (E.g. During design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages).
KPI 12. Number of research strategies developed by IITA supported projects that inform government policy and institutions at national and sub-national levels.