OP-4: Number of people trained/Number of people attending capacity development events

OP-4: Number of people trained/Number of people attending capacity development events

Definition: People trained are individuals who participated in any knowledge or skills imparting sessions through interactions that are intentional, structured and purposed for imparting knowledge or skills.

  • Irrespective of the duration, a training must have been designed to strengthen capacities and enhance specific skills.

  • An individual who attends training on the same training topics/modules in different venues or at different points of time is counted only once. Trainings covered in more than one day or over a long period but meant to complete one module/topic is considered as one training.

  • Do not consider sensitization/awareness meetings as trainings.

Unit of Measure: Count

Disaggregated by: Training type, Training subject, Duration of training (short-term, long-term), Target audiences, Delivery method (Face-to-face, online, blended), Gender of trainee (Male, Female), Geographic location (National, sub-national).
Training type: Individual degree, Individual non-degree/internship, Seminar/Workshop/Training course, Field training, non-formal activities
Short-term training is defined as a training lasting for at least half day during which specified topics or modules are discussed, taught or shared. Short-term training may lead to the award of a certificate of attendance/competence or none at all.
Long term training is defined as training that leads to a degree or diploma.
Target audiences: Academic institutions (universities, colleges e.t.c), advanced research institutions, CGAIR center/program, CRP and Platforms, Community Based Organizarions (CBO), Farmers (individuals or groups), Financing institutions (including foundations), Government, International agricultural research centres, international development organizations (including development projects), National agricultural research systems (NARES), Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private sector, regional and sub-regional organizations, rural women, other)

Method of Calculation: Summation of count

Data sources: Training reports and registration forms

Data collection method:

  • Registration of all people that attended a training supported by ICARDA resources, transfer the records to MEL;

  • On-site registration on MEL through mobile data collection devices and forms.

  • Count all trainees who attend at least half of the total expected time or modules for each training type.

Data collection and reporting responsibility: All staff that plan and conduct training

Data Collection and Reporting Frequency: Real-time recording to MEL

Evidence required: Scanned copies of training registration forms, training report, photograph of trainees, GPS coordinates of training location

Rationale: Capacity development is regarded by CGIAR as an effective vehicle for sustainable development, embedded within CRP strategies and the ICARDA Strategic Plan 2017-2026 as a cross-cutting theme. Capacity Development is reagrded as a strategic enabler of impact for the CGIAR, ICARDA and their partners. This indicator therefore serves the purpose of tracking the capacity development dimension related to the transfer of knowledge and skills through training.

Comments and limitations: This indicator is a count of people trained by training theme. It therefore should not be construed as a unique count of people trained and thus additive and limited to a pre-determined population size.


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