To add a new new report, select “Add New” in Report” (1) on the top left corner of the “Donor' Reports Report” section, then provide ” section.
In the new window, it is possible to enter the following data:
- Report *
- Is the Report Public?*
- Type*Type* (1) (Technical Report – Progress; Financial Report; Audit Report; Technical Report - Final)
- Report Name* (2)
- Start Date* (3)
- End Date* (4)
- Due Date* (5)
- Donor(s)* (6)
- Remarks
- (7)
Donor(s)* is non-editable field as it depends on user’s affiliation to the Implementing Organisation.
Once the information are provided, click "Save Changes". The new report will then appear in the “Donor's Report” section.
Remember that all the fields with asterisk are mandatory.