After adding an Output, the next step is that of completing all to complete the activities (when applicable) present in the boxes under Actions. Edit the last column of the Outputs table, under “Actions”.
Within the list, “Edit” is the first action (1). Click on it to add additional required information to the Output (1).
A new window Edit Output will open, where you can add additional data, as shown (2). Fill in accurately.
The window “Edit Output” will open (2) and it will be possible to fill-in the following additional data under the “Information (2.1) section:
- Description/Focus (2.1.8): a short sentence that illustrates the main activities or focus of the Output.You may specify the “Geographical Focus”
- Geographical Focus (2.1.2) of the Output. You may add multiple countries – including Global, if the focus of the outputs is on more than one country.
- Under “Crop” (2.3) select the subject(s) the output focuses such as FISH/WHEAT from the drop down list.
- You may also specify the “Agro-ecological zone” (2.4) the output focuses on. This is particularly relevant if your scope of work targets specific zones, such as Dryland Areas.
- 9): National, Regional or Global. When National, multiple countries can be added and also a Sub-national Scope can be specified. When Regional, a National and Sub-national Scopes can be added. If the scope of the Output included more Regions and Nations, a Global Geographical Focus can be selected. Commodities (2.1.10): is referred to the crop(s) and/or livestock to which the Output is focused on. They will appear in the drop-down list and multiple choices can be selected. Agro-ecological zone (2.1.11): can be chosen from the drop-down menu (Arid, Semi-arid, Sub-humid, Humid, Temperate Zones, Tropical highlands).
- Comments (2.1.12): a text field where comments on the Output can be annotated.
The previous fields (2.1.1 to 2.1.7) are described at the “Add New Outputs” page, as well as the overview of the “CRP mapping” (2.2) and “*Center Name* mapping” (2.3) sections.
Once the edit is complete, click on “Save Changes”.
Remember that all the fields with asterisk are mandatory.