The system generates a new version for each time you access the “Edit”/“Edit details” Sections to update the metadata or add/delete files. By this way you can save multiple versions of your file such as first word then PDF.
To save multiple versions of your file such as first word then PDF:
- Upload your file as a word version, add the metadata then save the file.
- Open the saved file from “Edit”/”Edit details” section.
- Another window will open displaying the number of times the file was saved (version 5).
- Click on “Manage files” (1).
- Click on “x” (2) next to your file to delete it.
- Click on “Upload new files” (3) and upload the PDF version of your file (4).
- Click on “Continue” (5) to complete the process and “Save changes” to save the new version.
Part Two:
The following information is required: