It is a new feature (3) added to MEL and used to upload/link multiple files to one publication.
By clicking on “More options” button, three other buttons will open representing 3 more options for uploading/linking files.
- Upload new files (1): Upload multiple files from your device.
- Select from my reports (2): Select multiple files already uploaded in MEL.
- Add link (3): Link your file with another publication by adding the URL or DOI.
Combine multiple files under one metadata
This method is used when you want to:
- Upload multiple files to be shared with one metadata such as conference photos, meetings, or workshops.
- To keep multiple versions of your publication such as Journal’s manuscript, post print and final print. Draft and final report.
There are 3 different options to combine multiple files under one metadata:
Option one: Upload new files
Click on “Upload new files”. Note that several file extensions are made available.
Select multiple files from your device. The files will be listed (1) under files and links. You can:
- Delete the uploaded file by clicking on “x” (2) next to the file.
- Download the file (3).
- Mark the file as a main file (4).
Once done, click on “Continue” (5). The “Edit” section will open. Fill in the requested information and click on “Save and Edit details” or “Save changes”.
Option two: Select from my report
Click on “Select from my report”.
- A new window will open with a list of your uploaded items both approved to MELSpace (1). The eye icon next to the file indicates that the file is approved. If there is no eye icon, the file is not approved (2).
- Tick the files that you want to combine in one metadata.
- Click on “Add files”.
The files will be listed (1) under files and links. You can:
- Delete the uploaded file by clicking on “x” (2) next to the file.
- Get the file ID and the date it was added by clicking on “ " (3).
- Mark the file as a main file (4).
Then mark one file as a main file and click on continue.
The “Edit” section will open. Fill in the requested information and click on “Save and Edit details” or “Save changes”.
Option three: upload new files + select from my reports
You can combine files under one metadata using option one and two together as per follows:
- Click on “Add new file” and choose the file you want to upload from your device.
- Click on “Select from my report” and choose a file you uploaded into MEL.
Two files from different resources will be listed under files and links.
You can differentiate whether the file is uploaded is a new file (1) or it is selected from report (2) when the “ ” is next to “x” icon.
In this first step, the user can choose the type of the deliverable from a drop-down menu. If a type with sub-types is selected, a new box will appear for selecting the sub-type. The following types and sub-types are available:
- Audio
- Blog
- Book
- Book chapter
- Brief
- Brochure
- Conference paper
- Conference proceedings
- Dataset, with the following sub-types:
- Other
- Socio-Economic Survey Data
- Crop Yields in Field Experiment
- Spatial (raster, vector)
- Demonstrator, pilot, prototype, plan designs
- Equation
- Image, with the following sub-types:
- Logo
- Photo
- Photo Report
- Journal article
- Manual
- Map
- News item/Press item
- Newsletter
- Other, with the sub-type that can be defined by the user.
- Poster
- Presentation
- Report, with the following sub-types:
- Internal Report
- Conference/Workshop Report
- Donor Report
- Software
- Source code
- Template
- Tool
- Training materials
- Video
- Website
- Wiki
- Working paper
After defining the type and sub-type, if applicable, there are four options to add a file:
1.Add the file link: Adding the handle from a CGIAR Repository (e.g., CGSpace, MELSpace, ICRISAT ePRINTS), a DOI link or a URL link. Below are some examples:
- Handle link from CGSpace, for example:
- DOI link, for example:
- The URL link of the file, for example:
After pasting the link to the box with the watermark: “e.g. handle from a CGIAR repository, URL link or DOI”, click on the “Add Link” button on the left.
2. Dropping the file(s): Drag and drop the file(s) within the blue box to upload the file(s).
3. Browsing from computer/device: The option to browse the file from the computer/device is clickable. When selected, a new window opens to browse the file from the user’s device.
4. Select from existing reports in MEL: The option to select from MEL reports is clickable. By selecting it, a window will open to show the existing reports, with the MEL ID of the file, the title of the report, and the file name.
To add an existing report, click on the box on the left of MEL ID and click on the “Add files” button. It is possible to upload multiple reports by selecting more than one box.