The profile summary is always visible in the middle of the homepage, and consists of:
- User's bio (1).
- User’s Profile (s) (2).
- User’s Active profile (3)
- User’s Discipline, Professional title, Role, Location and other Email(s) (4).
The user may:
- Delete an existing profile (1).
- Edit a profile (2).
- Add a new profile (3).
Delete a Profile
To delete a profile, choose the profile you want to delete and click on the delete icon. A new window will open with a message confirming your action (1). Click on “Cancel” to cancel or “OK” to go on with the deletion.
Edit Profile
To edit a profile, choose the profile you want to edit and click on “Edit”.
A popup window will appear. Make the requested modifications and click on “Save”.
Add Profile
If the users are working with more than one organization. They can add a new profile, by clicking on the plus icon (+).
A popup window will appear. Choose the requested organization from the organization's drop-down list (1), or add new organization (2), if the requested one is not mentioned in the list.
Once the required information is filled and saved (3) the new profile will be created.
Ensure to provide all mandatory data (marked in asterisk) in order to successfully create or update a professional profile.