Edit Implementer
Not all the parts are editable in the “Implementer” the Implementer (1) section are editable. it It is possible to edit only the following parts:
Partner (1.1):
You can only edit the "Partner Contact". The fields “Partner *” " and “Research Team*” Team” are not editable.
Scope (1.2)
By clicking on the button “Reload Project Scope”, another section (1.2.1) is shown, in which it is possible to visualize the countries involved in the project. “Partner Scope” and “Country / Province / District” are not editable fields because they depend on the information entered in “Project Planning – Edit – Location”
Once the edit for the implementer is complete, click on “Save Changes”.
Edit Partner:
Not all the parts in the Partner's (2) section are editable. It is possible to edit all the parts, except for the "Partner (2.1)" where the "Partner Contact" is editable only. The fields “Partner*” and “Research Team*” are not editable as they depend on the information entered under the “Outputs” management section
The following sections for editing a partner are similar to the ones shown for implementer: “Scope” (1.2), “Phase of Research” (1.3), “Budget” (1.4) and “Output” (1.5), respectively.
Once the edit for the partner is complete, click on “Save Changes”.
Please note that you cannot delete a partner when it is linked to another section.
Remember that all the fields with asterisk are mandatory