Several files can be reported under one deliverable. All uploaded files will be listed in the Report file section and will contain the following information:
ID (1): Shows the item ID in MEL.
Title (2): Shows the title of the uploaded item.
Uploaded by (3): Shows the name of the user who has uploaded the item.
File (4): Shows the status of the file uploaded (limited access or open access, approved or not approved, can be downloaded or not).
Type (5): Shows the type of uploaded item (journal article, report, etc.).
Last edit by (6): Shows the name of the last user who edited the item.
Last edit on (7): Shows the last date the item was edited.
Actions (8): Several functions are made available to manage the uploaded file such as:
- Edit: To change any metadata inserted in the edit section.
- Edit details: To change any metadata inserted in the edit details section.
CRP Mapping: You can either edit/delete or add new CRP mapping to your uploaded item by clicking on “CRP Mapping”.Anchor crpmapping crpmapping
The number of reported items for each deliverable will be shown.
Click on “Mark as Completed” (1) if you have completed the deliverable reporting or Click on “Mark as uncompleted” (2) if you want to postpone or cancel a deliverable. For more details, see Project Deliverables Completed/Uncompleted.