Knowledge Evaluation
To access Knowledge Evaluation tool, click on Knowledge Sharing - Knowledge Evaluation.
The knowledge Evaluation page opens.
The Knowledge Evaluation is a tool, which allows users to tailor and harvest a list of publication and other types such as Dataverse (currently the ones that are uploaded to CGSpace and CIP dataverse), and by any data related to the knowledge requested In particular:
- Institutions&Projects: Institutions, Led By, Co-Lead By, Projects.
- CRPs&Activities/Products: CRPs, Flagships, Clusters, Activities/Products.
- SLOs&IDOs: SLOs, IDOs, sub-IDOs.
- Additionals: License, Publisher, Author(s), Type(s), Format, Language(s), Keyword(s), Crop(s), Region(s), Country(ies), ISI Journal, Impact Factor, Publication Statues, Date Range.
The user can search for any publications uploaded in MEL by using the search categories mentioned above. For example to search for a list of ISI journal articles from CODIS project for the year 2016, enter the following search categories:
- Insert the project name, which is CODIS, under the "Project" section.
- Insert the publication type, Journal Article, under the "Type" section.
- Insert ISI, under "ISI Journal" section.
- Insert the date range, 1 January 2016 - 1 December 2016, under the "Date Range". To search for all the publications which were published in 2016 as the search parameters are set to search as per the publication date.
- Click on "Get Results" button.
The Knowledge Evaluation filters through the reported data available in the MEL database and extrapolates the desired list by any criteria previously selected. The citation (APA format) of every item is automatically generated in MEL during the reporting process. So the results as per the above mentioned search categories will be 19 ISI Journal articles uploaded under CODIS project in 2016.
The user can identify the status of each publication, whether it is approved, open access, limited access, can be downloaded or not by checking the icons attached to each publication.
If the publication is still under approval then the icon will be.
The user can also sort the results by using several category types such as CRP, Institution, Flagship, Project, Region-Country, Type, Author, SLO - IDO - SUB IDO. To sort the results by CRP.
Click on "Sort Results by" button. Choose CRP from the drop down and click on "Get Results" button once again. The system will display the same previous results sorted by CRP.
You can export the citations as a word or excel file by clicking on the "Export" button with a word icon to export to Word or on the "Export" button with with an excel icon to export to Excel,
The tool also offers several type of graphs:
- Show Map: density of filtered publications by UN Regions.
- Show Research Chart: detailed information on the products by Year and Type.
- Show Authors Network Graph: collaboration networks between publishing scientists.