If you click on the “Add Report” button, a window will appear that will enable, and by clicking on “Select Report File” it is possible to make an upload. Another window will open, showing the user, the first of two steps called “Manage Files”.
Screenshot 63: Uploading a File while Reporting a Deliverable
In this first step, it is possible to choose the type of deliverable from a drop-down menu. If a type with sub-types is selected, a new box will appear for selecting the sub-type. The following types and sub-types are available:
Book chapter
Conference paper
Conference proceedings
Dataset, with the following sub-types:
Socio-Economic Survey Data
Crop Yields in Field Experiment
Spatial (raster, vector)
Demonstrator, pilot, prototype, plan designs
Image, with the following sub-types:
Photo Report
Journal article
News item/Press item
Other, with the sub-type that can be defined by the user.
The report, with the following sub-types:
Internal Report
Conference/Workshop Report
Donor Report
Source code
Training materials
Working paper
After defining the type and sub-type, if applicable, there are four options to add a file:
Add the file link: Adding the handle from a CGIAR Repository (e.g., CGSpace, MELSpace, ICRISAT ePrints), a DOI link, or a URL link. Below are some examples:
Handle link from CGSpace, for example, https://hdl.handle.net/10568/114077
DOI link, for example, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0209632
The URL link of the file, for example, https://www.agropolis.org/publications/agroecology.php
After pasting the link to the box with the watermark: “e.g. handle from a CGIAR repository, URL link or DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/csp.2.320”, click on the “Add Link” button on the left.
Dropping the file(s):
Drag and drop the file(s) within the blue box to upload the file(s).
Browsing from computer/device:
The option to browse the file from the computer/device is clickable. When selected, a new window opens to browse the file from the user’s device.
Select from existing reports in MEL:
The option to select from MEL reports is clickable. By selecting it, a window will open to show the existing reports, with the MEL ID of the file, the title of the report, and the file name.
To add an existing report, click on the box on the left of MEL ID and click on the “Add files” button. It is possible to upload multiple reports by selecting more than one box.
To report a file, it is possible to drop the file in the blue box. Click on "Browse from your computer/device" or select from MEL reports to upload single or multiple items.
Several file extensions are allowed: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif, mp4, 3gpp, mp3, wav, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, ppt, pptx, kml, kmz, sav, cpg, dbf, prj, spn, sbx, shp, shx, zip, eqa.
When uploading a file, a set of questions will appear:
Does this information product contain an image/video of a human subject(s)?: If the uploaded file contains human subject images or videos, the user uploading the file has to confirm that the subject(s) has/have been informed about the intention of using their images. This follows the General Data Regulation Protection (GDPR), which are rules for the protection of personal data inside and outside the European Union.
If the answer to the first question is a yes, another set of questions will be displayed. Please read the questions and reply accordingly. In case there is no consent to use the images/videos, the uploaded file will be saved automatically as timeless limited access.
Once a file is uploaded and saved for the first time, the system records it as a first version. The system generates a new version for each time the user accesses the “Details” sections to update the metadata or add/delete files. In this way, it is possible to save multiple versions of the file (e.g., in Word and PDF). It is possible to return to any previously saved versions to check the saved metadata and the uploaded files, in addition, it is possible to save any older submit (save) any older version however once this is done the system will consider the submitted version as the latest version.
It is also possible to check who is the last person who updated the metadata and who has approved it from the “Details” section.
To save multiple versions of the file:
After the file in its second version (e.g., from Word to PDF) has been uploaded, metadata added, and the file saved, open the file from the “Edit” action button.
Click on “x” next to the version of the file to delete.
Please note that the file will not be deleted but saved as an older version.
Click on “Save” or “Next (Details)” to complete the process and save the new version.
Screenshot 64: GDPR Questions while Filling Metadata Information