To add a new Output, click on Add New in the top left corner of the Outputs section (1).
Output Information
A new window will open asking you to fill in the required information (2). The ones in red asterisk (*) are obligatory.
- Select the main “Output Responsible” (2.1) from the drop-down list.
- You may also select an “Output Co-Responsible” (2.2) from the drop-down list or add as new user by clicking on “+” if not in the list.
- Write the statement of the output as positive/complete action (e.g. enhanced, achieved, promoted) under “Output Name” (2.3). The co-responsible, who will have full access to the output and be able to make changes.
- Select the “Indicator Type” (2.4). Please pay attention to the selection of the (output) indicator type, as the choice will then influence the kind of information asked for the Annual Reporting (AR).
- Specify “Start & End dates” (2.5) as per work plan. This should reflect the overall period you will be working on this specific output.
- You can add “Collaborating Scientists” (2.6), i.e. all the team members working at/involved in the output.
Once done, click on Save Changes. The output will now show on the list of the outputs. You can then proceed on completing all the activities in the boxes under Actions, on the right side of the output.
- Edit
- OECD Relevance
- Partners
- Deliverables
- Edit AR Indicators
- Center Indicators
- Center Mapping
- CRP Mapping
- Organisational Indicators