Output Edit OECD Relevance
OECD Relevance refers to the marking of cross-cutting theme – Gender, Capacity Development, Youth – at output level.
Only project managers/co-managers and output responsible & co-responsible specify the OECD relevance for each output. The “Edit OECD Relevance” button will only appear in their pages.
To specify the cross-cutting (OECD) relevance for the output, click on OECD relevance (1).
A window will open (2). Select accordingly: 0 (not targeted), 1 (significant objective) or 2 (principal objective) for each of the markers.
You may also specify the dimension. Note that the OECD marking is done on a yearly basis, and you cannot add or edit them for the previous year(s), but only for the current/upcoming one.
To save the markers, click on Save OECD Markers.
*OECD Guidance Sheet
Use this table as a reference in establishing the markers for each of the outputs (in case of doubt, consult with the cross-cutting themes leaders):
Source: Adapted from SIDA toolkit on OECD gender policy marker
Other Sources: Handbook on the OECD-DAC Gender Equality Policy Marker.