6. IA Management eReport Tab for SMO reviewers

After clicking on “IA Management eReport Tab”, SMO users see a list of reports that were done in all years by all the centers. The ID column is the ID information of the report. Reporting year is the year in which the actions were reported. The organization tab shows the name of the center. “Added by” information shows the person who added the report, added date shows the date when the report was created. If there is a modification, the tab “Modified by” shows the person who modified it. “Modified Date” shows the date of modification. Status shows if the report is a draft or submitted. If the report has the status submitted, then the available buttons will be “View”, “Export as PDF” and “Export Section 3 as Excel”. If the report has the “Draft” status, then the activities available will be the “View” button.

6.1.            Actions in Center IA Report Table

If the report is submitted, the actions available for the SMO Reviewers will be:

  • View

  • Export as PDF

  • Export Section 3 as Excel

Upon clicking on the “view” button, the report opens in a new tab. It is possible to see the information details in the 1st and 2nd sections. Upon clicking on the third section, the review workflow  and the available action buttons can be seen.

Screenshot 80: Submitting final review can be made by SMO when all items in the third section are already submitted as final