

1.1. What is Intellectual Asset Management eReporting?

CGIAR Centers are required to submit annual reports pursuant to the CGIAR Principles on the Management of Intellectual Assets (CGIAR IA Principles). Information concerning the implementation of the CGIAR IA Principles is available on the CGIAR website dedicated to Intellectual Asset (IA) Management. The Intellectual Assets Management eReporting Tool (IAMeRT) available in the Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Platform digitizes the annual reporting and review process. Additional information concerning the implementation of the CGIAR IA Principles is available on the CGIAR website dedicated to Intellectual Assets Management.

MEL platform supports workflows by different categories of users in the eReporting process. Each category has different rights and responsibilities. Centers designate an IP Focal Point in MEL (and additional authorized users at its discretion) who is responsible for completing and submitting the IA eReport. The IA eReports are reviewed by or on behalf of the System Organization and System Council IP Group and each reviewer is subject to non-disclosure requirements regarding confidential information disclosed in the reporting process.

The report is filled by the Center IP Focal Point, it consists of three main sections:

  • Section 1 contains general information related to IA management such as the year, center capacity and CRP/Platform capacity.

  • Section 2 concerns information related to Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) associated with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

  • Section 3 concerns Center’s ex-ante justifications for entering into restricted arrangements (Limited Exclusivity Agreements, Restricted Use Agreements and IP Applications) and their associated public disclosures.
    An automatic email notification will be sent to a user if an item moves into their workflow in the in the eReporting process, as described in this guide.

1.2. User categories and design of this user guide

Responsibilities and available actions are provided to for the four user types involved in the IA Reporting process: Center IP Focal Point, System Organization Reviewer, ABS Reviewer and System Council IP Group Reviewer. The guide includes the screenshots based on each actor’s visualization for the sections of the platform which show differences based on the user type. Therefore, depending on the responsibility, the user can direct to her/his responsibilities and process explanations within the guide. While for the general instructions (i.e. login, reset password, notifications, exports, etc.) they are the same for all these four user types.

1.3. Designating users in MEL and queries to iareporting@cgmel.org

Only MEL Admin can designate the following user types: Centre IP Focal Point, System Organization Reviewer (SMO), Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Reviewer and System Council IP Group (SCIPG) Reviewer. To update these users (and for any other queries) please contact ‘iareporting@cgmel.org’.
Once registered, Centre IP Focal Points may assign ‘authorised users’ comprising Centre personnel involved in preparing or approving the IA eReport for submission.

1.4. Setting up an account in MEL

MEL Platform is accessible through all internet browsers; nevertheless, we suggest using Google Chrome browser for best performance. MEL login is possible for users who have a CGIAR account; they can log in with their CGIAR account credentials. However, when logging in to MEL for the first time, all users shall follow the same step, that is to request a new password as if it was forgotten.