ICARDA International Nurseries (INDMS)

ICARDA International Nurseries (INDMS)

ICARDA is operating improvement programs on nine crops, namely durum wheat, spring and facultative winter wheat, spring and facultative winter barley, Chickpea, Lentil, Faba bean and Grass Pea. Through the above-mentioned crop improvement programs, genetically diverse germplasm with potentials to witstand the prevalent biotic and abiotic stresses in target environments are created at the ICARDA research stations to be tested by cooperators under their country specific agro climatic conditions and socio economics contexts. In these programs, cooperators are expected to test, collect and return country specific germplasm performance data to the plant breeders to analyse and use for fine-tuning the breeding methodologies and processes. The ICARDA International Nurseries Data Management System (INDMS) is a portal created to facilitate online seed request, distribution and germplasm data recovery, compilation and sharing. ICARDA crop improvement programs develop nurseries for a wide range of agricultural systems and distributes them worldwide upon request. All nurseries are developed, prepared and dispatched from the ICARDA’s Headquarters in Lebanon, except facultative winter wheat which is from ICARDA, Turkey.

Starting with INDMS

Starting from 2019, access to INDMS was facilitated through the Monitoring Evaluation and Learning platform (MEL), thus INDMS users with and without active MEL accounts were required to create new accounts through MEL. This was done in order to comply with the new EU regulations known as GDPR.  

  1. INDMS users with MEL account
  2. INDMS users without MEL account
  3. Nursery Requests

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