“Planning” Tab

Under the tab planning, you will see “Projects”, where you will be able to edit, manage, and do the reporting of deliverables in your projects. After clicking on the projects, you will be directed to the list of the projects that you are managing. For the project coordinators, the buttons available for each project are: “Edit”, “Manage” and “View Web”.

Screenshot 3: Planning> Project opens a page with the following actions: Edit, Manage and View Web actions

The “Edit” button opens to the “Edit” section, where the basic information on the project can be modified. The “Manage” button opens the “Manage” section, where the Work Packages, Deliverables, Milestones, etc. can be seen and reported. The “View Web” button opens to the MEL open page of the project (defined in the “Edit” section, “Media” tab).